Saturday, January 19, 2013

Family Relations Week 1

 My conclusion from this week is: I need to get married have ten babies and save the world. 
Don't worry folks, I'm only joking. Well kind of. After watching the movie Demographic Winter, I am shocked and quite honestly a little confused. Apparently we don't have a growing population problem, we have a shrinking population problem. Where have we been getting our info and who has been propagating it? And now you're thinking, "Oh good, less people, more resources." Well The population shrinking it not necessarily a good thing. Now I'm not going to summarize the whole movie, just bring up a few points. First, we aren't going to see more resources. Who is working to create the resources we need when there are fewer and fewer people in the population to work? Second, there are about three people working currently to provide for one person who is retired. Soon it will be a less than two to one ratio. Last is one of the main problems with population growth, the degradation of the family.
Now being a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I guess this may affect or maybe bother me more than others. I have been taught and believe that one of our purposes on the earth is to have children. It is our privilege to have children and to teach them. I would like to pose a question to any of my readers. (I am sure there are several. (; ) What are your reasons for having children? 
I guess I will leave it at that. Let me know what you think in the comment section. Remember honesty presented with kindness is a most effective way of communication and learning.  


  1. Reasons for having kids:
    1) kids are cute, and super fun
    2) I've always felt being a mom was my purpose in life, to raise kids in the gospel and to share my love with them. I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom, and I am blessed that I can be.
    3) being a mom has made me a better person and a better wife to my husband
    4) I'm trying to be like my Heavenly Father and Mother. In order to do so, being a parent is imperative. It's a commandment and it teaches us the principles of true, unconditional love, and sacrifice.

    It's sad that so many people have lost faith in this world so much that they don't believe in bringing children into it anymore. The best way to make the world a better place and into what we would like it to be, is to raise a new generation with the values we hold dear. Raising a righteous posterity and instilling good values in our children not only helps us survive but it keeps morality and righteousness here on the Earth.

    Besides all of that, there's very little better in this world than snuggling a warm, snuggly baby in your arms and loving them with all of your heart. When they smile at you when you go get them out of their crib in the morning, it makes life better. There's little better than being the center of someone's world like a mom is.

  2. My reason for wanting kids: They're adorable and fun, and I think motherhood is somewhere where my particular skill set and talents would be well put to use. And because raising children right is just an exciting and important responsibility to undertake.
    My reason for wanting lots of kids: There are a set number of spirits that need to come to earth and get bodies right? And my thinking is, better my home than an abusive or neglectful parent's right?
    But your thoughts on the video may give me some other reasons to think about.

    To bring up another point, though, sure we need more kids now to support the growing retired population, but then we're going to need even MORE kids to support that generation. What we really need, in that regard, is better policies and/or technologies (or just more prepared people that can better take care of themselves, even in old age) so that the ratio of supporting to supported isn't so skewed.

  3. Kids are awesome. You should have at least 5. Five is definately the perfect number.
    The best thing about having a family is that is teaches you to be less selfish. You constantly have to put others first which is good for everyone.
    And making babies is fun too.


  5. And here is from a much less serious (also not an economist) explanation as to the reasons you should have children.
